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Procurement and Development

Identifying business opportunities on SEAP and the Official Journal of the European Union;

Legal operators for participation in tender procedures for public procurement contracts;
Obtaining documentation for the award;
Drafting requests for clarification and bids;
Participation in meetings of opening of tenders;
Conclusion and implementation of public procurement contracts;
Appeals filing in accordance with procurement law.

Legal advice to organization procedures for awarding public contracts by contracting authorities;
Drafting tender documentation;
Drafting notices of intent to participate and to award bidders eligibility verification;
Evaluation of tenders;
Conclusion and implementation of public procurement contracts.

Drafting legal opinions on the interpretation and enforcement of public procurement;

Legal advice for the negotiation, conclusion and execution of commercial contracts.

Dr. Dan Cristian Vilceanu lawyer accessibilities

Tel: 0040-726-273293

Central accessibilities

Ro-410066 Oradea, Aleea Emanuil Gojdu 7.
Fax: 0040-259-410448

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